Capacity Building Lifecycle – The Social Lens Approach

Capacity Building Lifecycle –  The Social Lens Approach

6 mins read

While NPOs around the world strive to create #impact, many do not possess the systems, processes, or the knowledge needed to do this efficiently. NPOs need to develop, maintain, & strengthen their capacities regularly to be able to effectively, independently, & sustainably achieve their development objectives.


In order to strengthen their capacities, NPOs first need to accurately #assess their organisational domains that need strengthening. It is also important to diagnose and determine the root cause of an issue as a part of the diagnostics step in order to enable long term success of the #CapacityBuilding exercise.

Accurate assessment of organisational needs is the first step towards building stronger, more sustainable organisations.


The #design stage involves conducting extensive research to identify relevant emerging topics based on in-depth assessments and sectoral requirements.

Customised solutions are designed for the organisation, taking into account a multi stakeholder perspective and human centric systems and processes.


After diagnosing a social impact organisation’s existing capabilities and assessing their capacity development priorities, the further action should be to effectively direct the execution of the institutionalisation of the specifically designed solutions. Even a conducive and well structured formula would prove futile to expand an organisation’s capacity unless executed strategically.


Tracking the institutionalisation of the specifically designed solutions practices within the organisation is the next phase an organisation should progress in as a part of their capacity building process. This involves seamlessly establishing the aforementioned practices within the culture and norms of organisational functioning.


Regular reporting of the adoption of the solutions is a requisite for effective capacity building. After capacity building solutions are implemented, organisations must oversee the systematic, stabilized incorporation of the solution into their practices, to ensure its long term institutionalisation within the organisation. This can be done by periodically reporting the adoption of the solutions within the organisation, which can lend to timely course correction and advisory support.

~ Social Lens is a socially aligned consulting company. To know more Social Lens, write to us at ~