Skilled Volunteering as a Community of Practice: A Two-Way Learning Experience

Skilled Volunteering as a Community of Practice: A Two-Way Learning Experience

While the traditional narrative around Skilled Volunteering often celebrates its positive impact, the deeper layer often overlooked is the reciprocal learning process that is inherent in this engagement. Skilled volunteers contribute invaluable expertise, fresh perspectives, and innovative solutions which significantly impact NGOs and communities. But, it is the complementary nature of their interactions that truly empowers both volunteers and the communities they serve, fostering impactful and sustainable solutions through this two-way learning process.

Volunteers, in their quest to support NGOs, gain a deep understanding of the communities they serve, challenging them to be flexible and responsive. While skilled volunteers bring established frameworks to their projects, the dynamic nature of the community demands adaptation, teaching them the importance of adapting and adjusting their strategies based on local realities.

In 2022, Social Lens skilled volunteers began working with a nonprofit organisation, aiming to highlight the long term impact of their health programs on the lives of their beneficiaries. Our volunteers recognised that the first step was to gather comprehensive data which could truly and accurately reflect the organisation’s impact.

Step 1: Understanding the local landscape in health

Our volunteers delved deep into the complexities of the health system in rural West Bengal. They spent time understanding the challenges faced by healthcare providers and engaged in conversations with those at the forefront of delivering care.

Step 2: Speaking to Healthcare Providers

Direct communication with healthcare service providers allowed volunteers to not only understand the challenges faced while delivering these services but also provided insights into other challenges related to impact measurement, such as data collection.

Step 3: Piloting the Solution

The volunteers worked closely with the organisation to create a tailored data collection questionnaire. After which, they conducted a pilot study, refining and iterating their approach based on the insights gained. This hands-on experience allowed them to identify potential challenges, refine their methodology, and ensure the questionnaire captured the essence of the organisation’s impact.

Step 4: Building the Impact Measurement Framework

After the pilot, the volunteers analysed the responses received and building upon their increased understanding of the health landscape and the challenges faced, they crafted an impact measurement framework for the organisation. This framework allowed the organisation to see the long-term effects of their efforts. The organisation will now be able to tell the story of the lives changed and the communities impacted through their health programs.