Embracing Dignity in Data in the Age of AI

This blog has been written in collaboration with Upaya Social Ventures

In an era increasingly influenced by AI and other transformative technologies, some principles must remain constant. The most crucial one among these has to be to uphold the dignity of those we design for at Upaya – jobholders living in extreme poverty. While AI technology offers powerful tools, it can sometimes fail to capture the nuances of the lived experiences of individuals. 

At Upaya, we remain open to learning and adopting useful technologies to help us listen and understand the jobholders better; to that end, we want to ensure that the stories, struggles, and successes of those we serve are not lost in translation. But this becomes a tall order when research and data specialists are constantly under pressure to reduce costs of data collection, and address funders’ concerns about the business case for supporting impact measurement and management. 

Upaya’s 13+ year history of collecting primary data from jobholders connected with our portfolio partners, and Social Lens’s 9+ year experience working in the areas of Organisation Development and Impact Consulting with a varied set of philanthropic capital providers (including Global and Domestic Foundations and CSR teams) have given us several opportunities to learn. We present here why impact data is not merely about statistics, but about dignity.

  1.  Recognize the Capacity of the People Living in Extreme Poverty

    One critical insight we have gained is the importance of a human-centric approach to data — shifting the focus from what vulnerable communities need to how they can contribute. Traditional data collection often centers on deficiencies, framing people in marginalized communities primarily as recipients of aid. However, by approaching data collection with dignity and empathy, we recognize the capacity and potential within these communities giving us a deep understanding of the strengths, skills, and aspirations of the jobholders we speak to. It opens up new possibilities for empowerment and growth. For example, how a home-based woman artisan overcomes restrictive social norms and challenges to deliver the product to her employer on time. This shift requires our researchers to remain acutely aware of their own biases and conditioning. 
  2. Understand the Context Behind Each Data Set

    Data doesn’t exist in a vacuum; it is deeply rooted in context. Every data point represents a unique individual with a distinct story. By taking the time to understand the cultural, social, and economic factors in which jobholders connected with our partners live and work, we ensure that our data collection processes are not just respectful but also accurate. Our surveys, conducted with the help of enumerators with a deep understanding of the local language and context, go beyond merely gathering information. This allows us to engage with jobholders in a way that respects their time, privacy, and personal stories, ensuring that the data reflects their true circumstances. For jobholders in waste management enterprises, the transition from informal waste pickers to uniformed sanitation workers can be transformative for their own identities. For farmers with small land holdings, a guaranteed rate for their crops from a reliable partner that subverts traditional middlemen has made a significant difference to the quality of their lives.
  3. See the Complete Picture through Jobholder Stories

    While quantitative data is essential for measuring impact, we have learned that anecdotes and personal stories can often be just as revealing, if not more. A single story of a jobholder’s experience can illuminate aspects of their reality that numbers alone might miss. These stories help us understand the qualitative aspects of jobholders’ lives — such as their sense of self-worth and perceptions — especially in sectors such as waste management and handmade artisanal products.

    We have gained a deeper appreciation for the circumstances that prompt the jobholders to travel thousands of kilometers to distant cities by themselves or with their families, with the hope of securing a more stable and dignified future – even when that means fitting into unfamiliar surroundings and work environments. In capturing these narratives alongside quantitative data, we gain a richer, more nuanced understanding of the impact that is occuring in their lives.
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All these insights emphasize the importance of a holistic approach to impact measurement — one that values both the capacities and lived experiences of the people we serve while remaining grounded in a deep understanding of their context. By recognizing the contributions of individuals living in extreme poverty, understanding the nuances behind each data point, and valuing personal narratives alongside hard data, we achieve a more accurate reflection of reality.

As we continue to navigate the complexities of impact measurement, we remain steadfast in our belief that dignity is not just a principle, but the foundation upon which meaningful, ethical, and transformative impact is built. Data is not just numbers — it’s a narrative, a responsibility, and most importantly, a reflection of the human spirit.